Freyja Griffin one day realized that she was born to die. But then, everyone else is too. So she decided to make do with her life

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This morning was the second morning I woke up with a bitter taste left on my lips
The dreams tailing up my last two dawns were not the best of kind
I was chased up, chased down,
once by zombies,
once by thieves and robbers,
present in both the strong urge to protect the invaluables:
first it was my life,
second it was an unidentified object of insurmountable preciousness
But it was last night I was betrayed

On my way to work,
not lulled by the dim noise of traffic,
in the back of my head was a riot of questions
Why these dreams
Why now of the time of the year
Why now of the time of my life
Why these dreams

Dreams are often quite funny things to explore, implore, best and worse made a subject out of your usual behavior

What are men without their dreams?
One afternoon few years ago I watched my pets napped and suddenly doubted the privilege of dreams for men alone
Yet from experience, dreams offer a hefty explanations for things which left lurking in the darkest part of the mind

My mind

I had often been accused of losing it,
or for not having any

So why these worries
and why these dreams?



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