Freyja Griffin one day realized that she was born to die. But then, everyone else is too. So she decided to make do with her life

Friday, December 03, 2004

So what if i write?

I did lots of writings, none of it works. I once have a great dream of inspiring people with whatever I'm writing, but i don't know. I mean, you're not supposed to tell people about something you haven't gone through and above all, one shouldn't be the judge of others. OK... look who's talking?

Somehow inspirations always came during time spent in the bathroom. It's like a magic sort of place. Weird. Like this morning, I realise something in the shower. About how much we have to be not ourselves for other people.

Body odour. Everyone has it, some are stronger then others, some seemed to have none. Society wants you to smell good so you can mingle with them and have no worries about odor problems.. what is an odor problems anyway? I smelled...i don't know how i smelled when i was 13 but people seemed to make a big fuss about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion you are not right. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

10:14 AM  
Blogger M. Lim said...

Dear Anon,
your gesture is appreciated although PM-ing you would be a tad of nonsensical since you are anon.

10:44 AM  

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